new attendance record
Our exploits in the FA Cup continued into the 1920s and they proved very popular with the fans. In January 1922, another record Goldstone Crowd of 22,241 watched our 2nd Round FA Cup game against First Division Huddersfield Town. The programme for this match was the standard issue for the 1921-22 season, a similar fold out sheet as the previous two seasons. Just the Griffiths and Wiles front cover adverts remained from the previous season, joined by three new additions, Fred Larkin (Trunk makers and saddler); Heryet, Adams and Longstaff (Motor engineers) and Stevens (Hatters and hosiers). The top and bottom strap advert was changed from Baker & Co, Taylors, Opposite Clock Tower (which appeared in seasons 1919-20 and 1920-21), to F. David’s 97 Church Street - the oldest fish and chip saloon in Brighton. There was no editorial in the Huddersfield programme, but List of Fixtures, Football League and Southern League, which included the results to date and the two League Tables were shown.